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 1. Askia Toure  A Song For Patriots   
 2. Final War  The Patriots  We Speak the Truth  
 3. Gail Buckley  American Patriots   
 4. Harris Ken  Patriots on Parade  2002Sampler1 
 5. Harris Ken  Patriots on Parade  2002Sampler1 
 6. Ron Baggerman  Parrots & Patriots   
 7. Christopher Reich  The Patriots Club   
 8. Anselm Berrigan  A Poem for Patriots  Segue Reading Series / NY, Mar-20-2004 
 9. Anselm Berrigan  A Poem for Patriots  Pictures for Private Devotion 
 10. Gail Buckley  American Patriots   
 11. Harris Ken  Patriots on Parade  2002Sampler1 
 12. Performed by Dick Hill  Promo for Patriots  Patriots by James Wesley, Rawles 
 13. Performed by Dick Hill  Promo for Patriots  Patriots by James Wesley, Rawles 
 14. The Ebb And Flow  Patriots of Absurdity  Attack and Decay 
 15. Barry Crimmins  They're Shooting Patriots  Kill The Messenger 
 16. Guests: Amt. Imru Zelleke and Comander Assefa Seifu  Ethiopian Patriots Day - March 2007  Presented by Assimba PalTalk Room 
 17. New England Patriots  Patriots Camp-Cast - 08/08/2007  Patriots Camp-Cast 
 18. New England Patriots  Patriots Camp-Cast - 8/02/2007  Patriots Camp-Cast 
 19. Guests: Amt. Imru Zelleke and Comander Assefa Seifu  Ethiopian Patriots Day - March 2007  Presented by Assimba PalTalk Room 
 20. Guests: Amt. Imru Zelleke and Comander Assefa Seifu  Ethiopian Patriots Day - March 2007  Presented by Assimba PalTalk Room 
 21. Guests: Amt. Imru Zelleke and Comander Assefa Seifu  Ethiopian Patriots Day - March 2007  Presented by Assimba PalTalk Room 
 22. New England Patriots  Patriots Camp-Cast - 08/07/2007  Patriots Camp-Cast 
 23. New England Patriots  Patriots Camp-Cast - 8/5/2007  Patriots Camp-Cast 
 24. New England Patriots  Patriots Camp-Cast - 08/03/2007  Patriots Camp-Cast 
 25. Fred Taylor  Interview: Patriots RB Fred Taylor  www.patspulpit.com 
 26. New England Patriots  Patriots Camp-Cast - 08/06/2007  Patriots Camp-Cast 
 27. Brainsaw  Patriots Make Great Cannon Fodder  Music for the Paranoid Schizophrenic 
 28. Brainsaw  Patriots Make Great Cannon Fodder  Music for the Paranoid Schizophrenic 
 29. The Richard Pryor Jazz Players  CBC3: The Chantays Song and the Ventures Song, then Profundizando la Accion Revolucionaria de la Mujer  At Kelly's 
 30. Balloonsex  If I was REALLY Good, This Song Would Have Been A Breakcore Track Sampling Babylon Bwoy in the Dragonforce Song.  Tic Tac Dragonforce 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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